
Tixati movies
Tixati movies

tixati movies

Like me, who is every day in the forum, trying to help users, trying making suggestions for features and improvements and make donations when we can to support, and a lot of other forum users which do the same? Sorry, I like Tixati a lot, but has a big issue in development priorities. Sorry, but I think Tixati don't has a lot of users, maybe the opinion and needs of this users has some importance.

tixati movies

Sorry, but it is frustrating, we don't have a very, very basic and simple file name filter when adding huge torrents and need too filter files using just eyes and thousands of clicks, and has a lot of "channels and chat" updates and other useless things? Don't make any sense. I agree, first I wanna say thanks for Tixati developers, is a fine software, but sorry, has a lot of requests, for many years, multiple requests, asking for file name filter when adding new torrents, better auto manage slots for downloads (not for uploads or seeds), full dark theme, and a advanced automatic batch renamer for files, folders, and torrents names or titles, customizable keyboard shortcuts or at least a good collection by default, a "open standard" for import/export, etc, etc, and etc, all this features are important, useful and has a lot of requests, for many years completely ignored by depeloper, and we just see "channels" and "chat" on changelog, who use it? In my Tixati the channels feature is completely disabled.

Tixati movies